Drainage ditch (bathroom / dirty)

Drainage ditch (bathroom, clean)

Drainage ditch (kitchen 2, dirty)

Drainage ditch (kitchen 2, clean)

Penrose drain on knee, black and white


Rubber cup

Drainage grooves (kitchen 1 · dirty)

Chest drain bag No letter color

Pleural effusion chest tube

Rubber gloves (pink · 1 pair)

Chest drain bag Lettered color

Drainage grooves (kitchen 1, beautiful)

Drainage grooves (kitchen 3)

Woman with drainage after partial thyroidectomy, color

Woman with drainage after partial thyroidectomy, black and white

Ascites puncture Position when chest tube is inserted

Brain drain

A young man walking while draining fluid (Color)

Elderly woman in lying position with PTBD indwelling color

Woman with drainage after partial thyroidectomy Line drawing

Epidural hematoma and drains Black and white

Epidural hematoma and drain line drawing

Epidural hematoma and drainage bag collar

Epidural hematoma and drainage bag line drawing

Epidural hematoma and drain collar

Trocar and drip grandfather color

Elderly man during intravenous drip and PTBD Color

Endoscopic transnasal bile duct drainage color

Epidural hematoma and drainage bag black and white

Drain placement after lower extremity surgery Bleeding collar

Drain placement collar after breast cancer surgery

Percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage color

Difference in the number of drains after breast cancer surgery Color

Elderly man line drawing during intravenous drip and PTBD

Trocar and drip grandmother monochrome

Gallbladder Bile duct drainage type Text and color

A young woman in a lying position with PTBD detained monochrome

Drainage when mastitis worsens Color without letters

Thyroid postoperative drain placement line drawing

Elderly man in lying position with PTBD indwelling Color

Color with drainage letters when mastitis exacerbates

Trocar and walking patient color during IV infusion

Rubber gloves (1 pink)

SB drain bag only blood color

Rubber gloves (1 green)

Elderly man in a lying position with PTBD indwelling monochrome

Postoperative thyroid surgery Drain placement collar

Trocar and drip grandfather line drawing

A young woman in a lying position with PTBD indwelling Color

Trocar and drip granny color

A young man in a lying position with PTBD indwelling Color

Young man in IV and PTBD color

A young woman walking while draining fluid Color

Drain placement after lower extremity surgery B/W with bleeding

Elderly woman walking while draining fluid Line drawing

Lower extremity postoperative drain placement line drawing

PTBD indwelling elderly woman line drawing

Two drains and blood color after breast cancer surgery

SB drain bag only line drawing

Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage Monochrome without letters

Trocar and drip grandmother line drawing

Endoscopic transnasal bile duct drainage line drawing

A young man in a lying position with PTBD detained monochrome

Lower extremity postoperative drain placement collar

Endoscopic nasobiliary drainage monochrome

A young woman in a lying position with PTBD indwelling

Messy route and patient color

Elderly woman walking while draining fluid Color

A young woman walking while draining fluid Line drawing

Elderly woman walking while draining fluid, black and white

Elderly man walking while draining fluid Color

Young man walking while draining fluid, black and white

Young man walking while draining fluid Line drawing

Elderly man walking while draining fluid, black and white

Young woman walking while draining fluid, black and white

Elderly man walking while draining fluid Line drawing

During and after ascites treatment Black and white

Drain placement after mastectomy Collar

A young man drawing a PTBD in a supine position

drainage (no text)

Difference in the number of drains after breast cancer surgery Line drawing

Two drains and blood after breast cancer surgery

Difference in the number of drains after breast cancer surgery Black and white

Percutaneous transhepatic bile duct drainage alphabetic color

Lower extremity postoperative drain placement monochrome

Elderly woman line drawing during intravenous drip and PTBD

Trocar and drip uncle monochrome

Drain placement after breast cancer surgery

Trocar placement and insertion site pain black and white

Elderly woman during intravenous drip and PTBD monochrome

Drainage (with text)

Elderly man in IV and PTBD monochrome

A young man in a drip and PTBD monochrome

Elderly women during intravenous drip and PTBD Color

Pleural effusion

Thyroid postoperative drain placement monochrome

Elderly woman in a lying position with PTBD detained monochrome

Trocar and walking patient line drawing during IV infusion

Percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage Monochrome without letters
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